Free Email Marketing Tips 2

Free Email Marketing Tips
The use of electronic mail is the cheapest even more effective methods to reach consumers with relevant content. However, using e-mail address for your business is useless if you can not convert a consumer into a customer. Therefore, you need to build your email list and message must be capable of prompting sales.

To help you do this, here are some free tips email marketing, you can use:

  1. Communicating the value of your e-mail offers highly putting them in areas leading to your website. The most important message is to make this your home page. For maximum effect, you should insert the link to your registration page above the fold, so that potential subscribers can access it without having to scroll. But you do not stop there. The link to the registration page must be placed on all pages of your website to ensure its availability in case a visitor becomes excited to be a subscriber.

  2. Reassure. Let subscribers know what are the benefits of signing are, if these are warnings in advance, and discounts on exclusive products, reports the latest versions of the product, information content, or important news. You must pass this value proposition within the same subscription having something like "Join now and will not be able to miss our latest special offers and news."

  3. Include a privacy policy with the registration form. Studies show that 50% of consumers said they felt more comfortable in signing, if a privacy policy is included.

  4. State clearly what subscribers can expect to receive in their email as many times as your e-mail will be and what their content will be about. Provide an example of e-mail so that the subscribers will have an idea of ​​what to expect.

  5. Immediately send a verification message at the time of registration to ensure further success of the user that his email address was recorded in a secure manner. Also a welcome message and a reminder of what he signed up for. You must also provide a link to the main page where they can manage their accounts.

  6. Perform an invitation to a friend campaign. To motivate your subscribers to be active in providing the email addresses of your friends, give away a prize for the subscriber can make as many calls.

  7. Promote bonuses and other incentives, as a tribute on your next purchase is a subscriber. You could even offer free shipping for the next purchase.

  8. E-mail service, only as a free e-book that contains useful content gifts. This will motivate potential subscribers to exchange their e-mail to 15 pages of quality information.

  9. Keep your subscribers interested in doing deals in a timely manner.

  10. Launch a campaign to feedback and ask your questions relevant subscribers. Also, ask them for their comments, suggestions or any other advice. Response to those that require answers. Then, make the changes necessary to satisfy subscribers' and expectations.


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